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Perpetual Abur

Facts you should know about HIV/AIDS

Facts about HIV/AIDS People believe that HIV/AIDS can be transmitted through physical contact such as sharing a glass, hugging, handshake, using the same towel. However, you can get the disease from having unprotected sex, sharing needles or sharp objects , or

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Perpetual Abur

The many health benefits of coffee

As a report published last summer by a research team at the Harvard School of Public Health concluded: although current evidence may not warrant recommending coffee or caffeine to prevent disease, for most people drinking coffee in moderation “can be

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Perpetual Abur

The many benefits of Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the most well-known and widely used plants that is known for its medicinal and general health benefits. It is not only considered great for health of the body but is also said to be great

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